2:30-3:30: Moderated Q and A with the day's workshop presenters: everything you still want to ask about bees and beekeeping!
3:30-4 pm: Evaluations and goodbyes
Bonus: Help us clean up
Larry Adams
Beekeeping in Community Development
Nezaa Bandele
Honey and Nutrition
Oliver Couto
Brad and Kerri Dahlhofer
Keith Lazar
Building Beehives
Ken Schramm
The Fine Art of Honey Tasting
Candyce Sweda
Biodynamic Beekeeping
Michael Thompson
Honey Coops
Julianna Tuell
Bee Biology &
Bee Gardening
Rich Wieske
Beekeeping 101
Karin Wishner
Working with Local Government
Vendors will have beehive products, woodware, honey lotions and potions, glass, soaps and books. You will be able to place orders for bees and queens from a Michigan company that brings them from California and/or from Georgia in the spring.